Friday, March 5, 2010

Top 20 Results

With tonight's show we go from 20 to 16 contestants.  That is a huge cut!  Next week will be even worse... going from 16 to 12.  We will lose a quarter of the contestants!  (That could be good or bad... lol...)

Tonight's show starts off with an amazing, chart-topping, performed-live version of Black Eyed Peas "I Gotta Feeling" (sarcasm definitely intended).  This performance was crap, and it was obvious that they were lip syncing.  Who ever picked that song should be fired.  I mean... its elmination night and you have them singing that "tonight's gonna be a good, good night"?  Not for four of them!

We get right to eliminations and we will see a boy eliminated first.  Ryan asks the top row to stand.  In this row we have Big Mike, Casey, Todrick, John and Tim.  We know that Big Mike and Casey are safe... it has to be one of the other three.  Ryan calls Tim first.  Although he was atrocious last week, he actually did much better this time around.  Ryan tells Tim that he's safe.  Next is Todrick.  Ryan gives Todrick his comment recap and asks him to stay standing (innnneresting...).  Then Big Mike and Casey are safe.  Duh.  It's now between Todrick and John.  There is actually something I like about both of them, and I would rather see other people in thier place, but I can't say I didn't see this coming.  Ryan announces that the eliminated contestant is John

Personally... I'm kinda bummed about this.  I think that given last year's semi-final format (groups with wild card), John probably would have made top 12.  He would have been that "Anoop" like contestant that everyone really just likes, but may not have the best marketable future in music.  I would have liked to see John go further.  He's a good looking guy... he's likable and polite... but maybe just a bit forgetable.  I guess Simon was right; Purple Haze is getting thier lead singer back.  I'm sure that group will be in much higher demand now though!  :-)  Best of luck to John.

After a commercial break, we return and Ryan says that we are going directly to the second guys elimination.  This piques my interest.  Usually they go back and forth... 1 guy, 1 girl, 1 guy, 1 girl.  Are they leaving both the girls eliminations to last for a reason?  Is there a shocker?  We will see!

The bottom row of guys is Lee, Aaron, Alex, Andrew and Jermaine.  To me... this is easy.  It has to be Jermaine.  As if it wasn't already easy enough... Ryan makes it even easier by telling Lee, Aaron and Alex they are all safe... so its down to just Jermaine and Andrew.  Seriously?  You couldn't make it at least a little bit questionable Idol?  For sure Andrew is safe. 

And I was right.  Jermaine is gone.  And if you ask me, it was a week too late.  He makes some sort of "I'm OK... I've got God" speech... and then he sings another horrible rendition of What's Going On.  So horrible that I fast forward right past it.  (I love DVR for just such instances).  Jermaine may not have a future in music... but if there are any adult footed pajama designers out there, you may have a spokesperson!

After another commercial, it's time for Danny Gokey to perform!

(hitting fast forward on DVR)

Any of you that read my posts from alst season know that I was never a big Danny Gokey fan.  Meh.  So he's trying the country thing... probably because he knew that he would never make it in pop music.  I'm surprised he didn't go the gospel route though.

OK... I have to move on.  That was entirely too much text about Danny Gokey.

With the guys, my elmination predicitions were two for two!  Let's see if my predictions for the girls are correct as well. 

Now we are on to the girls eliminations.  Top row stands up.  We have Lilly, Paige, Katie, Michelle and Didi. With this group, I initially think it has to be Michelle or Paige.  Lilly is safe... and so is Paige.  So it's gotta be Michelle... right?  Katie is safe too.  It's gotta be Michelle... right?  Now it's Michelle and Didi.  Ryan reads the judges comments from the night before which basically equate to: "Didi, You sucked.  Michelle, you were alright".  Now I'm getting worried because I REALLY like Didi.  Ryan asks Kara for her opinion.  She says after watching the performance back on TV, Michelle was a little less impressive than she was in the studio.  What she should have also said at this point was how AWESOME Didi was when she watched it back.  but of course, she doesn't.  Kara predicts it is the end for Michelle.  Ryan reads the verdict... and Kara is correct.  Bye Bye Michelle.

What I don't get at this point is that the camera seems to be panning more to Didi trying to get her reaction... as if she was unfairly kept when she should have went home.  Kinda like they always used to pan immediately to Sanjaya when he was safe every week and someone else went home in his place.  I think this is lame.  Sure the judges ripped Didi the night before and she was crying.... but it was completely unfair.  Maybe they just thought that because the waterworks came out the night before that they may come out again.  Either way... leave Didi alone.  Maybe I'm having my Chris Crocker moment here.  LEAVE DIDI ALONE!  :-) 

Back to Michelle.  She seems quite shocked, which I don't get.  Maybe Kara and Simon's comments the night before had her a little over confident.  I think she just had this wall up that didn't allow us to truly connect with her or like her.  I don't have any issues with her going home.

Oh... and at this point... I'm three for three.  YAY!

On ot the last female elimination.  The final row of girls is Katelyn, Crystal, Haeley, Lacey and Siobhan.  This is a perfect setup for me to go four for four with Lacey going home!  I hope I'm right.  First Katelyn is safe... then Crystal.  Neither are surprised.  They skip over Haeley and Lacey and go straight to Siobhan.  She is safe as well.  Now its down to Haeley and Lacey.  It's gotta be Lacey.  Just like Michelle, she doesn't connect much with the audience either, I don't think.  Haeley is just so darn bubbly and likable that people had to have voted for her.  Still... I think it could go either way.  Ryan asks Simon what he thinks and Simon says its obvious, but states no name.  He said that America knows its obvious too.  Ummm... not me Simon.  I'm hoping it's Lacey... but worried there is a chance it could be Haeley.

If I were a betting man, I would have lost money.  The result is that Haeley is eliminated.  OK... I know people may hate me for this, but I actually would have liked her to stay around for another week!  She was interesting and likable at least.  Lacey is a snoozefest.  I'm sad to see her go!  She was rough around the edges (sometimes REALLY rough), but overall, I didn't hate her performances. 

I do have to say, that last night during Haeley's performance of The Climb, I did look at Rich and say "this is one of those songs that would be a great farewell song for your last performance".  Maybe I jinxed her.  Now the poor youngin' has to sing lines like: "There's a voice inside my head sayin' You'll never reach it" and "Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose".  Of course you are gonna start crying during your song.  I'm a sap when it comes to stuff like that.  I think its because I can almost feel myself in their shoes and know how incredibly sad and overcome with emotion someone must be during that exact moment.  I mean... this huge dream has become a reality and is now crushed.  For someone that young, it will be quite a growth experience for her. 

So this week, we say goodbye to Jermaine and Michelle (YAY!) and John and Haeley (*tear*).  As I said before this review started... next week is really going to be the insanse elimination week.  Cutting four more people...  The contestants better bring it next week! 

Here is my photo ranking as of the first two weeks:

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