Friday, March 6, 2009

Semi-Finals: Wild Card Round

OK folks... well let me preface this by saying: MY DVR SCREWED UP AND DIDN'T RECORD THE SHOW! Of all shows to miss... the crucial Wild Card show. I was pretty much furious.

Thankfully it is 2009 and there is this thing called the Internet. And this other thing called YouTube.

So after scouring the web both last night and this morning, I was able to watch all 8 clips. I did miss the reveal of who was selected... but it sounds like most of America did too because the show went long and DVR's across the country cut out before it was over. Anyway... after looking at, I saw there was a TOP 13!!! Craziness! And that it came down to Matt & Anoop! I'm almost glad I didn't watch it live because I may have had a heart attack when it came down to the two of them with just one spot. I'm so glad that they made a Top 13. I'm wondering how that will impact the rest of the season...

After watching the 8 clips on YouTube, here is my reactions (probably not in the show order):

1. Jesse Langseth "Tell Me Something Good": As I stated for her original group 2 performance, I like her much more than expected. Although the judges thought this was a better performance, I still liked her version of "Bette Davis Eyes". The song did show off her range better... but the song just isn't one that a listener easily connects to. Overall though, I think Jesse should chalk up an A for effort both in round 2 and the Wild Card. I just think she doesn't have enough "It Factor" compared to people like Anoop... so although she did as best as she could, that just wasn't enough in this case.

2. Matt Giraud "Who's Lovin' You?": THANK YOU Matt for doing what you are good at. The Coldplay during your first attempt did not showcase you at all. Luckily, this Wild Card round exists. I really think Matt is going to be like an Elliott Yamin, and he's going to sail through until very late in the competition. If he sings bluesy stuff like he did tonight, then he's good to go. Being a dueling piano player, he knows how to mix stuff up too, which will be good. It got David Cook the title... so we know the formula works.

3. Jasmine Murray "Reflection": So it wasn't the Rihanna that Kara requested, but it was a really good song choice. I think this song is a bit overdone on Idol, but for her it was fitting. It definitely showcased her voice more than "Love Song". She's cute. She's the whole package. She has the "it" that Jesse doesn't.

4. Ricky Braddy "Superstitious": Can anyone really argue that this guy is NOT good? He's a good singer.... and I give him total props for bringing more personality this time. It was a fun song and a fun performance. He did just about all he could do. The look was MUCH better this time too, I though. Ricky unfortunately falls victim to this new (old) selection process for the semi-finals. I think if it was the way they've been doing it for the past 4 seasons, he would have had a better chance to make it though. The past way was more focused on eliminating the people that were bad... and this new way is about keeping the people that are good. He's not "bad" so I think it would have had a easier road to the Top 12 if he would have applied last year.

5. Megan Joy Corkrey "Black Horse & The Cherry Tree": In all actuality, it could have been argued that this was the worst vocal of the night. Several sour notes (especially the last one).... and some odd phrasing. In terms of vocals she is definitely not the strongest person... she's just got hardcore likeability to her. The shimmy she does when she sings is cute... her style... the tattooed arm... the baby... and a pretty much model-esque flawless face... its definitely a "package" as the judges say.

6. Von Smith "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word": Meh. I had high hopes for him from his audition... but he lost his sparkle. I COMPLETELY agree with Simon that he's gotten a bit boring. Meh.

7. Tatiana Del Toro "Saving All My Love For You": In my opinion, she blew it when she sang the EXACT song she sang in round 1! That's just ridic! Sure others have resang songs they sang in Hollywood week... but not the Semi-Finals. And it wasn't as good as the first time. I'm over her.

8. Anoop Desai "My Perrogative": YAY! The Anoop we love is back! I'm so glad that he sang a fun song. I loved when he sang "They say I'm nasty"... LOL... because he's so not nasty. What he lacks in sex appeal he makes up in likeability and humbleness. I really like him, and I'm so glad that he was the 13th of the top 13.

SO YAY for our Top 13. Sometime before Tuesday's show I'll do a pre-ranking of all 12 13 contestants.


  1. I just wanna say that I am so glad that Matt Giraud made it through! He is my favorite so far. It was very shocking when Simon announced to Anoopy that there would be a top 13...I'm glad he's in too. However, I don't think Megan should be there, and I'm relieved that the judges didn't let Tatiana through. I just don't think she belongs on this particular show. I think she's too much of a drama queen...she wants to steal the show.

  2. I'm not a big fan of Megan either, I think that Jesse Langseth should have made it through in her place instead. My DVR did not record the whole thing either and I was shocked after reading this to find out that 13 are through! I am so glad that Tatiana is gone. Did anyone catch the little thing between her and Ryan when she was down on the floor and he told her she didn't have to get up? It was pretty funny! Anyone who would sing the same song over and over again doesn't deserve to go through anyways. I can't wait for next week and I wonder what type of songs they will do...
