Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Top 13: Michael Jackson Week Performances

Here we are folks... the Top 13 show! And with two going home tomorrow, there is a lot at stake. Lets get to it:

Lil Rounds- "The Way You Make Me Feel": OK... so I was a little thrown off at first with the frilly shoulder strap. What was that? So her performance... I was a tad underwhelmed actually. She did sing it well... but I wasn't "blown out the box". I thought she could have made an impact with a Michael Jackson week... and this was just good. Really good, yes. But not amazing. I agree with Simon that it was a "lazy" song choice. And he didn't like her outfit... man... its crazy how much I agree with Simon. I think she could benefit from "5 minutes with Simon".... and NOT how Ryan interpreted it.

Scott MacIntyre- "Keep The Faith": Interesting song choice... (has anyone heard that song before?) But it worked for him... especially being behind the piano. He really thrives behind the piano, just as Kara had eluded to in previous weeks. Its hard to believe that he JUST learned that this week. Not only the piano... but the words. I mean... he can only learn those words by hearing them, not reading the music. This time I disagreed with Simon... I think the song did fit him really well. Overall... although I don't think he's the best singer, and I'm not a big fan... I think he did pretty well.

Danny Gokey- "P.Y.T.": OK... if I can raise a child that will grow up and be a pop superstar, I'm going to have my kids singing their chores and thier homework. As Rich said "he just sang the sh*t out of that song"! He really did rock that song out. Great vocals... great riffs... good vocal inflection. It was nice to see that he could really own an up-tempo song. The dancing was a little awkward (again... agreeing with Simon), but it was natural. Bonus points to the fashion director who matched the glasses to the shirt. :-)

Michael Sarver- "You Are Not Alone": Wow... that was MUCH better than I expected! I really liked his interpretation of that song. He kept it close to the original, yet made it his own in many ways. He's got a good manly look about him, and he'll definitely appeal to the country music listeners out there. My only thing about Michael: I like to listen to him, but not look at him sing. He has an uber-cheese factor about him with his movements and facial expressions. It's like he's trying to hard with the manurisms. The vocals though: SPOT ON.

Jasmine Murray- "I'll Be There": First of all, can I say I love her cute family. :-) She really is cute and likeable (maybe a bit boring though, ala Syesha Mercado?). She definitely has a full, smooth tone to her voice, and I think she did really well with the song. I was worried when they said it was I'll Be There that she would copy the Mariah Carey version... but she actually kinda made it her own. I really thought going into tonight's show that she would be one of the most vulnerable contestants for the boot (the Wild Card selection shows that she wasn't necessarily a fan favorite to begin with), but with that performance she did just about all she could do to make a spot for herself in the Top 11.

Kris Allen- "Remember The Time": We know that he can sing Michael from doing Man In The Mirror in the semi's.... This is one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs of all time, and he did a really decent job with this song. Minus those two lines towards the end where he cracked and got a little pitchy, I was super impressed. The first 2/3 of the song REALLY impressed me. I actually said to Rich that he could be one to really shake up the competition. I think I underestimated him at the beginning. Judges comments: I agreed with all four. Simon: I agree he may have wanted to keep the wife in his backpocket... lol. Randy: I agree it was Jason Mraz'ish. Kara: I agree that he is a great guy. Paula: I agree that he is "sexy-cute". :-)

Alison Iraheta- "Give In To Me": This was really the first performance of the night that I didn't love. The song choice was odd. I felt like she sang the whole song at the same level... which was oversinging it. Yes, she is good for being 16... and she does rock well... but I just wasn't crazy about it. She kinda bugs me. I usually appreciate quirkiness, but she's a weird quirky that I just find a tad annoying. Overall: Meh.

Anoop Desai- "Beat It": First of all... GOOD LOOK for him. I liked the new haircut, and the style. I think he came out looking like a pop star. The song choice? Hmmm.... not sure about it. It's a hard song to sing... and probably one of the most quintessential Michael songs (which is really tough to make your own, thus the Karaoke comments...). With that said... he did sing it well... and he sang it well enough to make it into the Top 11... but it wasn't one of the best songs of the night. He's lucky he has the personality and the likeability to make it to the next round.

Jorge Nunez- "Never Can Say Goodbye": OK... lets be real... Jorge is never going to win this thing. He's just not. Is he a bad singer? no... but he's just not Idol quality. I never thought I'd say this, because I think its an odd comment with they judges say it... but it was very "cruise-shippy" for me. No one would pay 99 cents to download that from iTunes. The question now is: will Jorge survive without an emotional performance ending in tears?

Megan Joy Corkrey- "Rockin' Robin": Probably the weirdest song choice EVER on Idol... but it strangely worked for her! I think this was her best performance I have heard so far. She actually hit the notes, and still put her spin on it. I disagree with Randy that it didn't show the real Megan. I think this did just that! SHE is the quirky that I like.... not Alison. I wonder if anyone in America agrees with me.... The "caw! caw!" at the end was priceless!!!!! SO funny!

Adam Lambert- "Black or White": In the great words of Randy Jackson "If you got it, you got it, and YOU GOT IT". I agree with Paula that when Adam is on the stage, you look at nothing but Adam. You are transfixed on him. And let's be real: No one in the top 13 can sing a riff like Adam. He sings them and hits them in tune. I'm really intrigued to see how Adam does in this show. Could Adam be the first gay American Idol? I haven't seen anyone else in 7 past seasons that could take that title. You go boy....

Matt Giraud- "Human Nature": Thank you Wild Card round for bringing Matt back into this competition. It wasn't a very recognizeable song choice, but it fit him and his vibe at the piano. The falsetto was pretty awesome. I really think we got to see what Matt is good at tonight. And can I just say "YAY KALAMAZOO!". :-)

Alexis Grace- "Dirty Diana": 1-866-IDOLS-36? Yikes! She's screwed if you ask me. I wonder how many calls the Hot, Horny Girls are gonna get tonight? They usually say that the last singer of the night has "the pimp spot", but I don't know how pimp tonights last slot is with that number. Ok... we're talking about Alexis, not the phone number. I agree with Paula that she really oversang it. For her voice tone, not a bad song choice. It was definitely not one of the nights best... in fact I wouldn't even put it in the top half.

OK... so its prediction time. Here's my personal ranking of the contestants tonight:

1. Adam Lambert
2. Danny Gokey
3. Matt Giraud
4. Kris Allen
5. Michael Sarver
6. Lil Rounds
7. Scott MacIntyre
8. Megan Joy Corkery
9. Anoop Desai
10. Jasmine Murray
11. Alexis Grace
12. Alison Iraheta
13. Jorge Nunez

Although that is how I feel.... we know from previous recaps that its not necessarily how America feels. So here's my predictions:

Bottom 4: Jorge, Megan, Jasmine & Alison

Going home: Jorge & Jasmine

Really, this is hard to predict though because of this so-called twist that Ryan spoke of. OK... well my gut instinct (as I'm sure is most people's) is that they will go with America's vote for the bottom group (3 or 4) and then they will have those contestants "sing for survival" and the judges pick who stays or goes. Let me state that if this is the case, I am adamently opposed to this. I think it takes away a huge vital portion of the show. America feels invested because it is OUR choice. When you leave it up the judges, that's not cool to me. I hope, for the sake of the future of this show, that my gut instinct is wrong.

Your thoughts?


  1. I think I need to get a new DVR or a new satellite system, but I missed the first fifteen minutes of the show and didn't see Lil's performance, but from what it sounds like I didn't miss much.

    Scott did a great job, although I have never heard of the song, and I'm not a huge fan either, but he really was good.

    Danny is definitely going to be on the show for a while, I agree with Paula that he will be in the finals. I did notice the coordination of the eyeglasses and that was very cool!

    I just really don't have much to say about Michael or Jasmine, they both really don't impress me much. Just kind of blah!

    Kris was very cute and did a great job, but like you said, we knew he would! I was kind of impressed with him, I didn't expect much out of him since the first performance and I was mad that they put him through, but he's starting to grow on me.

    Does anyone really, really like Alison? If you do, I apologize, but she doesn't sing, she screams!! That song was not a good one and the whole performance was horrible I thought. She might as well not use a microphone, I think we could still hear her!

    Anoop has that likable factor to him and he did look nice last night! Not the best song to sing, but he sang it well. I'm sure he is probably safe tonight.

    Poor Jorge! He is just not a good fit for this competition. That was such a goofy, awkward performance, and I'm sure he will be leaving soon, maybe even tonight!

    When did MJ sing "Rockin Robin?" Just curious... but Megan did a good job as well. I didn't agree with Simon on this, I thought it was a good performance for her.

    Adam and Matt are awesome, they will surely be in it for the long haul too!

    Alexis really not impressive either tonight. It seems to have been more of a guys night than the girls. The guys really outshined in this round! I think Jorge is going home tonight, but not real sure on the other one. Maybe a tie between Megan and Alexis??

  2. Hey Matt...I loved the "Caw, Caw" at the end of Megan's performance, too! Very Meganish!!

  3. The "Caw, caw", wow. I thought in my head "no way did she just do that." But alas, she did. I wasn't a fan of that performance. I agree about Jorge, he's just too..... greatful. Something. LOVE ADAM! Anoop is at risk, I think, and Scott is starting to wear thin on me. I like him, but my friend Loree is convinced he's getting pity votes!

  4. Oh, and Liz, MJ sang Rockin' Robin as a little baby normal person with the Jackson 5.

  5. Brandi: LMAO @ "little baby normal person"... that is hilarious! :-) I love Adam too... just hope that conservative America doesn't black-ball him.

    Liz: It looks like we agree on a lot of things!!! Glad to know I'm not the only one with these thoughts. And glad to know I'm not the only one that doesn't like Alison.

    Cindy: Love the use of the word "Meganish" :-)

  6. Alright. First of all. The SECOND I heard Matt Sing "Human Nature" I was like...is that his original song...and where can I download it?!? I love this guy. I think Randy nailed it on the head when he said he was like JT!

    Second. Anoop better start sing the right songs for him, because fan love will only get you so far.

    Third. I love how it's practically all guys in the top of your list Matty. The dudes are really bringing it this season!

    FOURth. I can't believe how right you always are when it comes to this stuff! CRAZINESS! When I was continuously calling for Matt Giraud last night I hardly ever got a busy signal...so that Makes me wonder (and I prolly voted 100 times.)

    Love you darling!
