Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My trip to American Idol!

It happened.

I, Matt Eickhoff, super-fan of American Idol actually got to go to a taping of the show! I LOVE LOS ANGELES! :-)

This blog post will be my best attempt to let you all into the behind-the-scenes world of American Idol. There is SO much to remember that I am sure I will forget something. I wish I would have had a notepad and pen to take notes! I couldn't even text myself because they took our cell phones... sheesh! So I'm doing this all from memory folks.

First, some fun facts... then a play-by-play of the experience.

Bet you didn't know: American Idol tapes right next door to Dancing With the Stars! As we were getting in line, we realized there were two lines of people, one for Idol and another for DWTS. The funny thing about it... Idol is a FOX show, DWTS is an ABC show, yet both of the shows tape at the CBS Studios!!! Craziness.

Bet you didn't know: The judges (Randy, Kara, Paula, Simon) all go back stage during EVERY commercial break... and come back out just in time. I guess I just thought once they were out there and seated they were out there the whole time. They probably don't want to be bugged by everyone.

Bet you didn't know: The studio is SO small!!! Words cannot describe. On TV they make it look so huge, but it isn't at all. The seats are only about 12 rows deep, and the "pit" where people stand in front only has about 40 people in each side (on TV it looks like 100+!). I would say, that there were 300 people in the studio MAX. Made it even cooler to be a part of the experience.

Bet you didn't know: (some of you may know this one) They tape a practice run of the show right before the live show. Our line of people was divided into a line of people there for the rehersal and people for the live show. The rehersal is just like the live show, only no comments from the judges. During this taping is when they tape the small clips that are played back at the end of the show when the run the phone numbers again. Some of you may have noticed that during those clips the singer did a different riff or was standing in a different place then when they performed it live on the show, and this is why.

Bet you didn't know: The audience is directed to boo when the judges make bad comments about the contestants... and to cheer when they make good comments. The dude that preps the audience for the show came out and told us to do that. To me, it was weird, but it definitely make sense. Because, for example, if Simon tells Megan that her performance was "complete rubbish" and many of the audience members agree, they don't want us applauding Simon and make Megan feel horrible. It's still a bit weird to me, because when we boo Simon plays it up like we weren't instructed to do so... Let's face it. Simon is right most of the time, so they gotta prep the audience to be on the side of the contestants.

Bet you didn't know: When the judges and Ryan make comments about "watching the show back" and comparing how it was on TV to how it was in the audience... it REALLY DOES make a difference. It's SO loud in the small studio with the band and everything, that it does sound much, much different. I'm sure most of you have experienced this by going to a concert and the performer sounding much different than they do on TV or on CD. The same thing comes into play at Idol. There were parts of the song I completely missed... like the ending riff of Adam's performance... because the crowd was already on their feet cheering loudly that we couldn't hear it. Watching it back, that riff was amazing!

So on to the play-by-play. This is how the day went:

7:30am: Wake up and start making my sign to take to the show. Although I really do like Adam, I felt like I needed to represent the hometown boy and make a sign for Matt. I made a sign that said "Kalamazoo [heart]'s Matt" with a picture of the Michigan mitten and a big star on Kalamazoo. I thought he'd appreciate the hometown shoutout.

8:45am: It's time to figure out what I'm going to wear to the taping... which may not seem like too much of a daunting task... but the ticketing company specifically says on the ticket that you must follow the dress code rules or you may not be let in! The rules: no t-shirts, no sweat-shirts, no jeans, no white clothing, no logos, no flip flops, no shorts..... SHEESH! A lot of rules! I finally decide to wear what I wore to Deal or No Deal and call it a day.

9:40am: I pick up my friend and co-worker James and and we head down to Hollywood to get in line. Lauren and Rich will also be joining us later, but both were at work. Luckily for James and I it was Cesar Chavez Day here at CSUN, so we got the day off of work! PERFECT! Even though we have tickets, they are "not guaranteed" so I wanted to get down there as early as possible to stand in line and make sure we get in the door!

10:45am: After some heavy traffic due to construction, we make it to the CBS Studios. We park and walk a couple blocks to get in line. I was assuming the line would already be long, but when we show up there's only about 40 people in front of us. I start to get really excited.

12:00pm: James and I pass the time by playing some games on his iPhone. Finally, we have our first interaction with an actual employee of the show. He comes out to break our line up into three groups... one for Dancing with the Stars, one for the Idol rehearsal and one for the Idol live show. We move to the Idol live show line and are only about 10 people back now! YAY!

1:45pm: A couple of people, looking official, walk up to the line and begin talking to those of us near the front of the line. They say they are from the TV Guide Channel and are taping a segment for their show "Idol Tonight". It's a game called "Idol Branium"... basically like the board game Cranium but all about American Idol. They ask for a volunteer to play, and of course my hand shoots up immediately. Cranuium + Idol = Matt Domination! They pick me to play and start to set up the scene. Basically we are going to play an unscramble game. They are going to give big letters to other people standing in line and I have to unscramble them, spelling out the name of an Idol contestant... from ANY year of Idol. I get a little nervous, but an Idol fan freak like me should be able to handle it.

2:00pm: The camera crew for the segment shows up, as well as the super-cute hostess. We get a game plan down, and the taping begins. Little did I know that she was going to give me clues as to who the person is. The clues were that the contestant was from season 5... and that they helped Chris Daughtry write lyrics to his debut song "It's Not Over". DUH. EASY. I look at the letters and know immediately it is Ace Young. I move the people around, and I win! :-) Unfortunately there weren't any prizes involved... but it was still pretty cool to be a part of it. We had to do a couple takes of different parts of it (and pretend like it was the first time we did it, of course... gotta love TV) but it took only a few minutes and it was over! They told us it is going to air on "Idol Tonight" in 2 weeks. Its on Wednesdays right before the results show on the TV Guide network.... so check it out if you get the chance! I'll be on TV! :-)

2:15pm: Lauren arrives with lunch! YAY! James and I were HUNGRY! Wendy's had never tasted so good. :-) Thanks again Lauren!

2:22pm: Simon Cowell drives by us in his super nice convertable... everyone standing in line on the street could see it was him turning into the studio, so they were cheering for him. Pretty cool!

2:30pm: Another camera crew shows up, this time for "American Idol Extra"... a show on the Fox Reality Channel. Basically they wanted people to hold up signs and shout out messages for thier favorite contestants. They brought pre-made signs for people to hold up... but I didn't need a pre-made sign! I had my own! lol... (and might I add their signs were way crappier than mine!) So I got recorded again giving a shout out to Matt... saying that everyone back in Kalamazoo is rooting for him. I'm not sure if he will actually get to see it or not... but still cool.

3:00pm: The rep from the show comes out and starts to let people back into the studio lot to wait in the holding area. One problem... Rich is still on his way from work! We fibbed a bit and told him he went to the bathroom. He asks us to stand to the side and will need to wait for Rich to get there. As I'm on the phone with Rich... we're worried that he might not make it because of ridiculous L.A. traffic. I'm stressin'.... but trying to still stay excited. Luckily the guy from the show radioed back to a girl in the holding area and told her that he had four people that were still coming in, and we were just waiting for one in the bathroom. He told us that once Rich arrived we could head back and still be in our original spot in line. He was a really nice guy, and I appreciated that. Actually, I can't think of anyone that wasn't nice there. The staff was all pleasant. Which they should be! I would be in a pleasant mood if I worked for Idol too!!!

3:30pm: After what must have looked like the longest bathroom break ever (lol) Rich arrives, running down the sidewalk to get here. Whew! I was so happy were all together and we were going to make it in!!! Pretty awesome. We walk back to the holding area and past the VIP parking spaces for the celebrities of both Idol and Dancing With the Stars. It was pretty cool to see "This Space Reserved For: ______" and see names like Randy Jackson, Julienne Hough, Lil' Kim, etc. We kept walking to the holding area and we were given our admission patch. We were to stick it on our pants by our thigh. At this point, it became apparent that we were going to be in "the pit"... the standing room area that is down by the stage. Pretty darn cool... yes... although we'd be on a feet the whole time. After this we had to hand over our cell phones to security and were given a ticket to pick them up at the end of the show.

We wait in the holding area with a whole group of high school freshmen. They were dropped off by a school bus. I talked with one of the girls and she said that her teacher is friends with the stage manager, so she got the hookup to bring her whole class. Pretty cool teacher if you ask me!!! :-) The kids took up all the seats on the provided benches, so unfortunately the four of us had to stand (which wasn't fun, knowing we'd also be standing through the entire show). I wanted to boot some of the kids off... but played it nice. We waited here for a good 45+ minutes... during the waiting, a 50-ish year-old woman walked around passing out stickers that said "Anoop Troop" for any Anoop fans. Pretty funny I thought.

4:25pm: After the ticket holders with seats are ushered in, finally all of us in the pit get to walk to the studio. We walk through the back... and finally we enter through the side... and THERE IT IS! The OFFICIAL American Idol stage! :-) The neon lights... the giant video screens... the spiral staircases... it was pretty awesome. Besides being taken aback by how small it was, it was a great feeling to know we actually made it in! We took our places in the pit, on the side next to Simon. We were all asked to cram into an area lined off my tape on the floor. Pretty much packed in like sardines, but I certainly didn't care.

4:40pm: The audience prep guy comes out to get us hyped up for the show. He picks a couple people out to do a dance on the stage. I totally would have loved to get up there and volunteer, but he picked a guy who it was his birthday. Damn birthdays....

4:45pm: Now the celebrities start to show up in the audience. Sitting front and center (as many of you probably saw) was Mandisa from season 5 and actor David Spade... interesting combo. lol. Also in the audience were Neil Patrick Harris (DOOGIE!), Carnie Wilson (Yeah Wilson Phillips!), and Lisa Rinna with husband Harry Hamlin. Justin Gaston (Miley Cyrus's boyrfriend) was also there... which was interesting because a couple ladies we were talking to in line heard that Miley was doing a surprise performance. With her BF there, it seemed apparent... but didn't happen.

4:50pm: At this point, the audience prep guy also informs us about the fake boo'ing and applauding... and tells us that we have to be overly excited throughout the whole show. If people from the show find that we aren't being energetic, they could take us out. There will be no problem with me being energetic! :-)

4:55pm: They announcer brings out all 9 contestants to the stage and the crowd goes wild!!! :-) It was cool to actually see them live in the flesh. I proudly hold up my sign for Matt to see and he immediately sees me! He smiles big.... points and me and waves.... then.... he HELD UP HIS HAND AND POINTED TO KALAMAZOO ON HIS PALM! :-) SOOO awesome! That's how we do it in Michigan! :-) Definitely a highlight for me! It was worth it to make the sign.

4:59pm: The director of the show is calling for Ryan and he is no where to be seen. We can see the clock counting down by the second in the back of the studio and there is less than a minute with no Ryan. The director is like shouting for him to get out on stage! Finally, with seconds to spare, Ryan emerges up top by the band and runs down the spiral staircase to take his spot. By the time he hits the floor, the camera's are rolling for his dramatic opening....

5:00pm: ...and with a "THIS......... is American Idol", the show begins! The audience dances during the theme song and the judges have their over-the-top entrance. The crowd goes wild of course.

(now that the show has started, I'll stop with the times... lol)

Ryan announces the theme 'Top iTunes Downloads"... which I had seen from doing some research before the show. What I didn't know is that the theme should have been called "Sing Whatever The Hell You Want". I don't know about you, but last time I checked iTunes didn't exist in the times of Bob Marley and Wild Cherry. Anyway....

After some banter between Ryan and the judges (where Kara continues to overuse the word "artistry") they announce Anoop is the first to perform. During Anoops video package, I look over at the judges and Kara sees me. I smile and she gives me a wink. Pretty cool! :-)

Anoop performs Usher's "Caught Up", and from my perspective I thought he did pretty well actually. Maybe it was just because it was a fun song and one that made me want to dance. That combined with the adrenaline of the show, and being in the pit... I was feelin' it! Then the judges panned it. I was confused. Then I watched his clip back last night and I understood why. It wasn't all that good. I guess I was caught up in the moment. Ha ha... I made a funny.

It was very hard to hear the judges comments too.... I'm not sure if its just because of where we were standing... but it was like straining to hear what they said.

First commercial break after Anoop... and the judges immediately get up and leave and go backstage. I still find this kind of odd. The audience prep guy does some interviewing of audience members and gives out an iPod Touch to a kid that came all the way from Florida with his family. Pretty cool.... Seconds before the show is coming back to air, the judges make their way back to their seats. And action!

It's now Megan's turn. She's singing a Lauryn Hill/Bob Marley song. At this point, many of us in the pit kind of turned our heads slightly diagonally to the side like a dog does when its confused. I could tell many of us were like "this is a top download?". That started the confusion amongst the pit and the audience as to what songs were eligible for this week. Meh.... whatever.

Megan's performance was, just as Simon described, pretty boring. I'm not sure if she was having an off night, but even in the studio she came across as very disconnected. Her little "but my fans will like it..." line at the end is getting kind of old. I really have wanted to like her, but after seeing her live in the audience, I'm kinda over it. Several of the other contestants interacted with the crowd and she came on, sang, and went off. Meh.

Next up is Danny. He had his little interview segment on the stools with Ryan right in front of us! During commercial he talked with some of the high schoolers in the pit with us... mainly the girls that were fans of his. He seemed nice... but it was almost like "canned nice". Like "put on a show nice". I still give him credit for talking with them though. She seemed very uncomfortable in his outfit as he kept adjusting himself and checking to make sure he looked alright.

Danny's performance was good.... but I'm still getting bored with him. He's doing what we know he can do every week. I just want something a little different. The Rascal Flatts song was a good choice for him though.

Ryan introduces Allison from in front of the judges desk, and then walks down the steps right by the pit. Lauren is standing out the outer rim of the pit and as Ryan comes by she smiles big. He extends his hand out to shake her hand, and Lauren went in for the hug!!! :-) It was awesome! Lauren got a hug from Ryan Seacrest! You have to know that Lauren is a HUGE Ryan fan.... mainly because of his radio show out here in L.A. She listens to him every morning. So for her to get a hug from him, it was awesome. The look on her face was priceless! LOVED IT. Definitely a highlight of the night!

Allison's performance was pretty decent... although the outfit WAS hideous. It's funny the judges commented on it, because I thought it as soon as she walked out on the stage. The high school boys in the pit by us really like her... so maybe thats where a lot of her fanbase is.

As we go to commerical, the back screen opens up and the crew wheels out the grand piano. Must be time for Scott to perform. They also usher Scott's family into the front row right behind our pit. This is when I realize that they have been shuffling the "friends and family" to this front row on both sides throughout the whole show. This explains how they can always get good footage of the family during the performance.

Scott performs alone with no help from Ricky Minor and the band and I think it was probably the smartest decision he's made in the competition so far. He did well... and this solo version mixed it up a bit, giving him some originality. The performance itself was pretty good too. But... my favorite part was watching his family behind me. They really are super proud of him. His mom especially was geting very emotional... I think because he was singing a song by the legendary Billy Joel, AND doing it solo. His sister (also blind) was also very moved by the performance. When Paula made her comments about being so proud of him, his family was also beaming with pride. SO cool to see that. Definitely the most touching moment of the day for me. I haven't even been that big of a Scott fan, but it was cool to see him do so well and have such great loving support from his family.

Another commerical break... more iPod's given away.... and next up is Matt. He is also interviewed by Ryan right in front of us on our side of the stage. Pretty cool! He looks down at me, and remembers me from earlier with the sign and he gives me "hey" head nod. Pretty cool. :-) Then... they have him perform on the it on the OTHER side. Darn... would have been cool to be in his pit. Oh well.

In terms of his performance.... I actually liked it, although I don't think it was his strongest. It kinda reminded me of the Coldplay he did before. He still sang it very well though... just could have picked a better song. I was really hoping he would have picked "What Goes Around Comes Around" by Justin Timberlake... because its a dramatic song... plus he has a JT vibe about him. I completely disagree with what Kara said about picking a genre though. He can be rock when he wants to and R&B when he wants to if you ask me! There are several established musicians that have crossed those boundaries... off the top of my head I think of Janet Jackson singing the rock-ish "Black Cat" and then doing R&B songs like "That's The Way Love Goes". It can be done. Look at all the country crossovers like Shania Twain or Taylor Swift! Also examples of not being pigeonholed into a certain genre. Let Matt do what he wants and see what the public thinks. With that said... I think he could be in trouble tonight.

Next Up is Lil Rounds... how cute is her family?!?! Seriously? I love the hug to Randy. Randy hug + Lil's tears probably equals safety this week. I didn't like the song choice at all though. Celine? really? I 100% agree with Simon's suggestion of "One" by U2 as a great choice. Not many people know the Mary J. Blige version of that song, so she could have rocked it out without being a copycat. Which brings me to another point... when Kara and Randy were suggesting that Lil sing a Mary J or Mariah song, I think it is almost setting Lil up for other bad critiques because I can hear them saying in that case that she would be too "copycat" and not showing who "Lil really is". So, what gives?!?!

It's time for another commericial and at this point I am about to jump out of my skin because Adam is up next and I can't wait to hear what he has to unveil to us this week. Also at this point, some people from the audience got up to leave, so Rich got asked if he wanted to be a seat-filler. Pretty awesome! Relief from the standing... plus, he was right behind the judges... so if you check out the show, you can see Rich in the background during Adam's performance. My question is though: who on earth would leave the show right before Adam is coming out to perform? Idiots!

Back from commercial and Adam takes the stage to sing Wild Cherry's "Play That Funky Music"... (again... was this iTunes top download in 1976? What? This theme is confusing me...). As the song starts, the crowd is already up on thier feet dancing. You can definitely tell that collectively as a group, the audience had the most support for Adam. Some of the high school boys shuddered when Adam was shaking his hips... lol... but to be expected from pre-pubescent straight boys (same boys screaming their faces off for Allison, of course). But other than those boys, the crowd was digging the performance. So much so, that it was often difficult to hear parts of the song because the crowd was cheering. It was nice to be able to watch back the clip later to hear all his riffs. Everything that has been said about Adam in terms of his comfort level on stage and the way he commands a performance is even more true in person. It's like you can feel the energy in the room while he's up there. Pretty awesome. I definitely plan on downloading this from iTunes when it's released tomorrow. :-)

Now, judges comments. I know one thing is for sure... I'm not letting Kara do my taxes anytime soon. She is HORRIBLE with numbers! First it was the "six words" that were actually 8 words last week... and now she says "Studio 57"?!?! I was laughing so hard and how ridiculous that comment was. So many people in the audience were looking at eachother going "57? Isn't it 54?".... LOL. Rich said that from his seat he saw her turn around and say to the audience "54! I'm sorry!". LOL.

After the judges comments, they pan to a quick intro of Kris before the commercial and he is sitting on the steps right in front of us. Let me state this for the record: Kris is MUCH more attractive in person that he is on TV! When I looked over at him, I was like "shoooooooot!". :-) Maybe it was how he was dressed or the facial hair coming in... but he was definitely cute. But I in no way let that influence my opinion of Kris or his singing.... ;-)

Kris takes the stage at the keyboard, and gave what I consider to be the best performance of the night. Kris earned hardcore bonus points from me with this performance. It showed that he's not just a guitar guy.... plus it showed that he can take a song and make it his own. I'm buying this from iTunes too. Kris is really making a run for this! He's a dark horse for sure, but he did come with a bit more confidence this week, as Simon said. Not concietedness or cockiness... but confidence. It was nice to see. Before I thought he'd be one of the first 4 to go home... but now I see him in the final 4, for sure! If he can keep delivering solid performances, he will continue to rise on this show.

The judges wrap on Kris's comments.... and they run the phone number video. As this is going on, the contestants join Kris on stage, and they all come up to him giving him hugs and high fives on a great performance. Pretty cool to see that they are supportive of eachother. As Ryan does the closing of the show, I hold up my sign and Matt points at me again. :-) Yay.

The show is over... but we are asked to stay for a bit because they need to tape a couple additional things. First is an acceptance speech for some reality TV award that Idol won... and they have the judges do the segment. Paula is the only one to talk, although they do fight over it for a bit because they all want Simon to do it and he refuses to. Paula does a great job though... reading from the tele-prompter! :-)

Next is a quick commercial that looks like they will play tonight before "Lie To Me"... telling people to stay tuned for the results show. Ryan does this one, and its done in one take. Such a professional. lol.....

And with that.... the taping is over and they tell everyone to leave the studio. We walk outside and collect our cell phones... and I sit down on the benches to rest my feet and back after standing for the past 5+ hours.

We walk back towards the parking structure... and we were right by a mall called The Grove, so we decided to walk over and have some dinner. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory (deelish!). After dinner we were leaving and sitting in the lobby were a husband and wife that looked familiar. At first I thought they were someone from Michigan because I knew they were from my past... but then I realized they were Bam Margera's parents April & Phil from "Jackass" and "Viva La Bam" on MTV! Another glance back...and there was Steve-O! :-) They must have just gotten out of the Dancing With The Stars taping. I asked them for a picture and they were very nice to oblige! Lauren got one too. Pretty cool.

Then in other reality TV excitement... in the center of The Grove was a performance by The Ballas-Hough Band.... which for those of you that don't know, includes Mark Ballas and Derek Hough from Dancing With The Stars!!! So we watched them for a few. I tried to get some pictures... but they didn't turn out well on my cell phone. Still cool! It was a reality TV filled day!

And with that... my American Idol experience concluded. I went home to find that my DVR DIDN'T TAPE IDOL AGAIN, which was depressing... but thankfully the clips were online (mjsbigblog.com). But it was probably all the better because i never would have stayed awake through the whole episode... I was out on the couch in no time flat from a tiring day. :-)

To wrap up... my predictions for tonight:

The bottom three: Megan, Matt & Anoop

Going home: It's tough... because Megan does have some sort of strong fan base out there. I really hope its her.... but I have a feeling it could be some bad news with Matt or Anoop. But my gut is saying its Megan's turn to go. I think there were other people out there who were fans of her that may have been unimpressed with her last night, just like me.

I know I definitely enjoyed the show... and will never look at American Idol the same now that I know what it's like behind-the-scenes!

Heading out to get in line!

Hey everyone! I'm about to leave to go get in line for Idol! Wish me luck! I really hope I make it in.

If I do... I made a sign! :-) Even though Adam is my favorite, I decided to represent my roots and make a sign for Matt. The sign says "Kalamazoo [heart]'s Matt" with a picture of the mitten on it. :-)

I'll have a full report once this is all over! :-)

Monday, March 30, 2009


OK.... so, I'm trying to keep my composure.... but I can hardly contain myself....



so... there is a mini-disclaimer along with this. For those of you that haven't been out here to L.A. and haven't been to a taping of a show.... just because you have tickets doesn't mean that you will actually be in the audience. They give out more tickets than they have spots for.... But there's something to be said about having tickets, thats for sure. They are HARD to get (I've tried... trust me).

My great friend Lauren submitted for tickets a LONG while back and was put on the waiting list for them... and she just got confirmation that her spot on the waiting list finally was up and she had tickets. Pretty exciting!!!

And luckily, I have tomorrow off of work already! So I can go down early and sit in line to try to ensure I get in the door. I really, really hope I get in. It would be such a dream come true for such a fan (read: freak) of this show.

And if I do make it... can you imagine the blog??!?! OMG!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Mowtown Week: Top 10 Results

Hello readers!

I apologize for not having this post up sooner! With the shows being delayed last week, I never got a chance to write this on Friday... and then I whisked myself away for a relaxing weekend, and didn't turn my laptop on all the whole time! YAY for setting some time aside to reboot your mind, body and soul. :-)

Anyway... now that its Monday, I'm back in the action... and here is my review of last week's show:

First of all, that group number was APPALLING! Not only was the number lip-synced... but it was also PRE-RECORDED?!?! What? Are you frickin' kidding me 19 Entertainment? Ridiculous. I've been reading different reports and blog entries about this... and the producers have addressed the lip syncing debacle by saying that the time the Idols spend doing other things throughout the week doesn't allow them to focus on the group numbers. Hmmm... but... there is enough time to go to the studio, record the vocal, learn the dance steps, lip sync it, record it (with several takes, I'm sure) and then hand it over to editors to edit it all together? That doesn't jive with me. Just have them sing dammit. If they are on stools, not moving, we don't care. I'd rather see a dance-less live performance than a recorded, lip-synced piece of poo like they showed on Thursday's show.

There's a place for pre-recorded lip-syncing... and its the Ford music video. Leave it there.

OK... moving on...

Ruben Studdard performance = DVR fast forward. Sorry Ruben....

Joss Stone & Smokey Robinson? I didn't fast forward... but I didn't necessarily enjoy it. Why Joss Stone? I don't get it. Smokey Robinson is great though... I give him props. Probably one of the best mentor/celebrity appearances on Idol I've seen. I really like him, and I'm glad he took his mentor job seriously.

Stevie Wonder.... What can I say besides the fact that he is a legend! Pretty awesome to see him still performing (and pretty well, might I add). I didn't really like all the panning on the contestants during Stevie's performance... although it was really funny to see how many of the Idols were trying to sing along to Stevie but didn't know the words! LOL. (Megan... I'm pointing at you...).

OK... so the results.

First to be pulled into the bottom three is Megan? No. Scott? No... its MATT?!?! WTF America? Are you serious? I totally didn't get that at all. Matt was the second best performance of the night, in my opinion. Matt's placement in the bottom three brings to the forefront an age old Idol question: Is singing first really a good thing? Singing in the beginning of the night allows lots of time for people to forget about your performance, not to mention all the people who are still coming home from dinner/work/stuff and haven't yet tuned into the show. If you look back, historically the person who sings last is RARELY in the bottom... (thus called "the pimp spot") and people singing first are.

Examples? Well look at all three of the semi-final rounds. The contestants in the pimp spots all made it into the finals: Danny, Adam and Lil (which is also due to the producers placing them in the last spots, no doubt), but the first singers did not (Jackie Tohn, Von Smith, and the wild-card judges-picked, Jasmine Murray). Also, last week during Grand Ole Opry Week, Michael Sarver went first, and he was in the bottom two. If I were any of the contestants, I certainly would not want to sing first.

There's actually a USA Today article that came out last year about this topic. An exerpt from it reads: "In 69 finals episodes, 20 singers in the No. 1 spot have been voted off, seven more than would be expected based on statistical probability, says Nick Straguzzi, co-founder of WhatNotToSing.com, which collects and analyzes Idol data. In four out of six weeks this season, the first finalist has been in the bottom three, twice being eliminated. "The No. 1 slot is by far the most dangerous for finalists," Straguzzi says."

In terms of the finales (when its down to the final two)... two winners sang first (Ruben & David Cook) while the other five winners all sang last.

SO anyway.... not making excuses for Matt... just bringing some interesting facts to your attention. It was still shocking that he was in the bottom three.

Next in the bottom three is Michael. Not surprising one bit.

So who will round out the bottom three? With Megan and Scott both in the remaining group, I am perplexed as to who it will be. It's revealed that it is Scott. Fine with me. But then this poses a question: More votes for MEGAN than MATT? seriously? sheesh!

When its time to send someone from the bottom three back to the couches, let's just have it be Matt and be done with this madness, right? NO. They send Scott back. You've got to be kidding!!!

Let's clear one thing up first ladies and gents: Just because it came down to Matt and Michael doesn't mean that Matt was in the "bottom two". If you notice, they always announce the bottom three.... but never really call the remaining two "the bottom two". My guess is that the bottom two would have actually been Michael and Scott... but for drama purposes, they threw Matt in the final two to wake people up. You've got to vote people!!!!

THANK GOODNESS Matt stays and Michael goes home. I do have to give Michael credit that he took the news REALLY well and acted like a complete gentleman, as we've come to expect from him. He smiled the whole time, and really took in the experience. I think Michael is a smar guy and he knew he wasn't going to win this thing. He took it all in stride and just enjoyed the fact that he made it as far as he did. That's pretty cool. AND... he made it far enough to go on tour this summer... so that says a lot for him.

So there you have it... a belated, but hopefully interesting recap of the Top 10 results show. Now... on to the Top 9!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My votes (and the votes of others)

Natalie posted on my review of last night's show and asked a good question: Who am I voting for?

Contradictory to what many of you probably assume... I don't vote my fingers off for two hours straight (at least not at this point in the competition). :-) I usutally attempt a few votes here and there for certain people that I think deserve them and need them. And I usually vote for several people. In my mind that is almost like voting against the people I don't like.

Here's how I voted last night:
---Called for Adam once and it was busy. Didn't try after that because I figured he was safe (plus if for some ridiculous reason he would be the lowest vote getter, the judges will save him, no question).
---Called for Kris a couple times until I got through (the FOURth try... fourth times a charm). After I got through I figured I did my part.
---Spent about 10 minutes voting for Matt. I actually only got through ONE time out of that 10 minutes... which bodes well for him. I just feel like I owe it to West Michigan and my roots to vote for him, and I will probably continue to vote consistently for him throughout the rest of the competition.

A few weeks back I did vote a couple of times for Megan (in honor of the "caw! caw!") but haven't in the last two weeks. Last week I think I remember voting for Anoop a time or two as well because I thought his "Always On My Mind" was a good comeback from "Beat It". Other than that... I haven't voted for anyone else.

Now for other people's votes....

The day after a performance show I usually check out a couple websites because they are good predictors of eliminations... plus I like to see what other people are thinking. I thought I'd share those sites with you.

---latimes.com: The Los Angeles Times newspaper has great coverage of Idol. I especially like thier "Idol Buzzmeter". They get predictions from a dozen and a half pop culture analysts across the country for who they think is getting ousted. This week, the Buzzmeter shows a slight lead for Michael as the person getting the boot with Megan closely behind. Scott also got a few votes.

---dialidol.com: Dialidol is crazy, awesome and confusing all at the same time. Basically its a computer program that you can download and have your telephone modem automatically call in for your favorite Idol. The catch is that the program also sends the results from your calling back to the dialidol HQ. Here, they analyze the data from the number of calls placed for each contestant and the number of busy signals... and they compute it out with a prediction of where each contestant will rank (if they are safe, at risk, etc.). Surprisingly, dialidol is right, A LOT. Their website says that for Season 7 they were 97% correct with the eliminations. This week, dialidol shows that Scott, Megan and Michael are in the bottom three... with Michael being at the bottom of that ranking.

---ew.com: Entertainment Weekly has really good American Idol coverage as well. They have experts that give predictions, and then also have a spot for people to register and place votes that they then clump together as "America's Prediction". This week, America has predicted Michael Sarver... but they also predicted him last week and Alexis went home.... so not too sure you can use this as a accurate prediction tool... but still cool to see how others are voting.

I'll try to round up these predictions each week for my faithful readers and let you know what these sites are saying. :-)

Enjoy the show tonight!


My counter just hit over 500 hits! That is exciting!!! :-) Plus I have this cool tool that maps out where people are from that are reading the blog and there have been visitors from Canada, Singapore and the Phillipines! CRAZINESS! :-) I love this blogging thing...

Mowtown Week: Top 10 Performances

I love me some Mowtown music. You can probably attribute that to my dad who used to listen to oldies in the car all the time... but even now, I'm a sucker for some good Mowtown R&B. It made me pretty excited for the Top 10 show.
It was pretty awesome that they flew the Idols to Detroit to see the birthplace of Mowtown. I can totally understand why Lil would have an emotional reaction to it. These kids go from nobody to a music star in a few weeks, and it must be such an honor to go to such a historic recording studio and sing songs of such legendary artists. Pretty cool.
And can I say.... I really like Smokey Robinson? Is it just me, or are many of the old stars/celebrities kind of pompous and annoying? I thought it was awesome that Smokey Robinson was really invested in helping these kids. Plus... he's still "with it" and he understands changes in popular music. Pretty cool.
OK.... enough intro.... on to the performances....
But wait! One quick note... my DVR messed up AGAIN last night! I was pretty frustrated. Must be when its not on regular nights that it gets jacked. We realized it after singer 6 (Michael) so we got to see the last four on the big screen. LUCKILY for me, I have found another great Idol blog: mjsbigblog.com and he had video links of each performance posted. His videos even included the introduction package and the judges comments... so I basically did get to see the whole show.
On to the reviews:

Matt Giraud "Let's Get It On"
I totally 100% agree with Randy and Simon that Matt is making a run to be one of the top competitors in this competition. I was happy to hear that after they said earlier in the week on Leno that it was a race between Adam, Danny and Lil (only). Matt picked a GREAT song for him! He was able to show off his piano skills, his range, and his soul. I was happy to see him start behind the piano and then step out and prove that he can also rule a stage. I can't be happier with how our Kalamazoo boy is performing in this competition. He's made smart decisions so far.... and I think that is definitely an important part of this show. After all, this IS a competition, and smart game play will get you far. You can't make stupid decisions (see: Michael and Megan). If Matt keeps making smart decisions, he'll be around for a VERY long time. GO MATT!

Kris Allen "How Sweet It Is"
Kris has got his own thing going on... and its totally working for him. At least I think so... and so does Smokey Robinson! I thought Smokey's reaction was pretty cool. How flattering it must be to hear a legend tell you to not change one thing about your performance!!! Being real about Kris though... he's not going to win this thing. There's no way. But... he should be really happy with how he's performed so far, and he's definitely made a name for himself, garnering a decent fan base. This song shows what he's good at: fun, positive, upbeat songs that he can sing while playing guitar. Just as Randy said weeks ago, he has a very Jason Mraz'ish vibe to him, and he does that very well. I'm not sure I agree with Simon saying that he needs to be more "conceited". I understand what he means though... right now Kris is just a sweet guy, singing sweet songs. And in this competition you need to have more than that. It's good for him, but not good for the win. Tonight, though, I feel was his best performance so far. In past weeks he's had some sour notes here and there, and tonight he was in tune for the whole song... and that last note was amazing. Props to Kris!

Scott MacIntyre "You Can't Hurry Love"
So far in this competition, Scott has played it really safe. Tonight wasn't really in his zone, and it showed. He took a chance that didn't pay off. There were many other Mowtown songs he could have chosen that would have allowed him to stay in his zone.... not this Diana Ross & the Supremes song though. The cheesy level was on HIGH! I really did NOT like this at all. The beginning that he slowed down wasn't too bad... but when he sped it up, it took a flying leap off a cliff if you ask me. Although it was a bit rough, I agreed with Simon's comment regarding the lyric "How much more can I take?" I sure can't take much more. Scott has a cool story, and he's inspirational, but I think his journey on the American Idol path is coming to an end.

Megan Joy "For Once In My Life"
Megan, Megan, MEGAN! Oh dear. As most of you know, I've given Megan more credit than she probably deserves in the past weeks. I really just think she has a cool vibe about her, and I've been waiting for her to have a breakout moment. Tonight was NOT it! I really think she gets on stage and is commanded by the stage and the background music... when she needs to be the one commanding it. During her video clip with Smokey, the song sounded GOOD! Megan will thrive with minimalism. I think if she would have come out with just a piano player and sang this it would have been MUCH better. When you add the background singers and band, its almost like she tries to sing OVER them and so she pushes her voice too much. One of her best qualities is the delicateness of her voice. She needs to pick a song that showcases that. I TOTALLY agree with Kara that if she would have sang "My Guy" it could have been a moment for her. I don't know if she's going to get another chance to have her moment though. Yikes! She did look amazing though.... I liked the dress and makeup choice because it really accented her tattoo. If it was America's Next Top Model, she'd be through to the next round.... but it's not.

Anoop Desai "Oooh, Baby Baby"
Here's Anoop's problem: Anoop proves he's a legitimate artist when he sings songs like this.... but these songs make him a bit boring. When he does sing upbeat, fun songs he is still good, but almost looked at as a caricature (Sanjaya-ish) instead of a recording artist. Anoop needs to find the balance between being soulful and being an exciting performer. With that being said, the vocal tonight was SPOT ON, and the song choice was definitely good enough to get him to the next round. Between this and last week's "Always On My Mind" he's definitely made up for the atrocious "Beat It" performance two weeks ago... that is for sure. I 100% agree with Simon (he's just right all the time, isn't he?) when he says that Anoop looked half asleep. The showmanship isn't there. Energy + Vocals will equal success for him. FIND THE BALANCE ANOOP! I like you!

Michael Sarver "Ain't Too Proud To Beg"
One quick side note: hasn't Michael seemed like this big, burly, oil-drilling guy? If you see him stand in the group, he's shorter than half the other guys! :-) Adam and Anoop are taller than him! I just think its funny... because on his own, he comes off as this all-american blue collar, 6'3 workin' man... and he's just a little guy! Anyway... on to his performance. One word (because I can count, Kara): Yuck. I didn't like this at all. To use some classic Idol criticism terminology: this song was way to big for Michael. This song is too well known, and has been sang really well by past Idol contestants... if you're gonna sing this you MUST knock it out of the park and he didn't. It was ROUGH. The ending was especially bad. Michael likes to talk back to the judges, and its getting old. Just take the criticism and deal with it. That's why they are paid to be the judges. Oh... and I still can't watch him sing. It's weird. He does weird things with this mouth (thanks for pointing that out Kim!). Michael is in serious trouble when it comes to the elimination this week.

Lil Rounds "Heatwave"
Going into this week, I think everyone could agree that Mowtown week was Lil's week to lose. It's made for her and her vocal style. Was she victorious? Not in my mind! There are SOOOO many great female Mowtown songs she could have chosen, and "Heatwave" was the WRONG choice. It didn't have any ebb and flow to it. It was all belting, all the time. This is probably the worst song choice of the night if you ask me... simply because there were SO many other choices where she could have had a moment. Another thing about Lil... she really needs to learn professional breathing techniques. Did anyone else think she sounded gaspy? She was taking breaths in odd places. Probably because she was short on breath from screaming the whole thing. Oh.... and the look? The judges liked it... but I thought she looked like New York from "I Love New York" on VH1 (for those of you that aren't familiar with the show... that is NOT a compliment). Lil hasn't really rocked anything so far in the last three weeks. She needs to bring it or she's heading home in the next couple or weeks.

Adam Lambert "Tracks of My Tears"
Holy Shiz! Adam is brilliant! Adam owned everyone this week. In my mind, this was probably the best performance of the whole season so far. As I talked about last week with Adam's "Ring of Fire", I love that you never know what you are going to get from Adam.... and this week was yet another surprise. For all the haters out there that don't like his screaming, he proved that he can pull it back, contain himself and still sing the pants off of everyone else in the competition. The thing about this is that even though he wasn't dancing around the stage or giving crazy stares into the camera, the performance and showmanship was still there! My eyes are glued on him whenever he's on the stage. Vocally? Superb. The last night in that super high falsetto.... flawless. And in my opinion, if you can sing a song written and perfomed by the mentor, and he's sitting in the front row... and when you finish Smokey Robinson LEADS the crowd in a standing ovation for you.... it can't get any better. Another knockout from Adam. I'd buy his record and concert tickets right now.

Danny Gokey "Get Ready"
Meh. I'm over Danny. I'm sorry to the readers of this blog who like him (I know there are several...) but really am over him. And to me, I think he's getting too comfortable as one of the front runners of this competition. He's coming off a little pompous. If Simon was talking about being "conceited" to Kris earlier... then Danny has what Simon wants. I mean... who goes into a mentoring session with Smokey Robinson, gets advice from him, and then does the EXACT opposite of what Smokey says to do??? I was shocked the judges didn't call him out for that. Will Danny make it through? Yes. Will he make it to the top 3 or 4? For sure. Will he be a great gospel/christian artist? Undoubtedly. But will I buy his record or concert tickets? Nope.

Allison Iraheta "Papa Was A Rolling Stone"
Oh gosh... Allison gets the pimp spot this week. Not surprising after being the the bottom three last week. The producers/judges want to keep her around a bit longer. Remember what I said about her last week in regards to her not annoying me as much? Yeah... I take it back. She still annoys me. The vocals of this song? Decent... not mind-blowing. I thought the last 20 seconds was pretty awesome... but the beginning was underwhelming. I don't get what the judges see in her.... like with Kara standing up and being so passionate about her being awesome. Sure she's 16.... but Jordin Sparks was young when she was on the show too, and I don't think Allison is anywhere near as impressive as Jordin. She'll make it through this week... but I'm still not a fan.
So here's my ranking this week:
1. Adam Lambert
2. Matt Giraud
3. Kris Allen
4. Anoop Desai
------------------a clear drop off from this point
5. Danny Gokey
6. Lil Rounds
7. Allison Iraheta
8. Megan Joy
9. Scott MacIntyre
10. Michael Sarver
I think the bottom three SHOULD and WILL be:
Megan, Scott and Michael
Scott could be a shocker though and not be in the bottom three. I bet he has a decent fan base, and although his performance wasn't the best, he may have enough votes to escape the bottom three. We'll see though.....
I predict that Michael is going to go home this week. With Alexis going home last week, I don't think it will be another girl in a row (there are only three left!).... and with Michael in the bottom two last week, its a good indicator that his fan base isn't as strong. And let's be real.... the performance tonight was not good.

What are your thoughts? Click below to comment!

"I've got six words for you..."

  1. Kara
  2. doesn't
  3. know
  4. how
  5. to
  6. count!

LMAO at Kara saying "One of the best performances of the night" is six words. LOL. It's eight Kara. Stick to songwriting... math isn't your strong-suit.

Anyway... full review coming tomorrow morning. Just had to comment on that quickly! :-)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Randy's eff-up

I forgot in my recap of last night's episode how funny it was when Randy called Alexis "Allison"! It was hard to tell what Alexis was more pissed off about... being in the bottom three or Randy forgetting her name! LMAO! That tells you a lot about the judges feelings of both Alexis AND Allison, if they can't even get their names straight! Sheesh...

The moment kinda reminded me of last year when Paula effed-up and did her critique of two performances when the finalists had only sang one song so far that night. Remember that awkwardness!?? C'mon judges... if you're getting paid THAT much... and you need a freakin' boxing-ring-announcer introduction at the beginning of the show... then at least PAY ATTENTION to what is going on! :-)

At least it makes for fun memories! :-)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Grand Ole Opry Week: Top 11 Results

I feel like I have so much to say about tonight's episode! Sheesh!!! I wish I would have been writing this throughout the episode because I know I'm going to miss some things. Let's do a quick preview. In this post:

---Lip syncing = infuriating
---Carrie = flawless
---My elimination prediction = correct!

Let's start with the group performance tonight. I don't think I have ever been more furious watching an American Idol episode than I was tonight. Lip syncing??? And so obviously??? Dammit Idol... what are you doing?!?! So I understand the usage of backing tracks and all that jazz, but I honestly don't think one of them was singing, not even over the track. Sure it was a difficult song to sing with very fast lyrics. And many of them I'm sure didn't know the lyrics (if they've ever even heard of Travis Tritt before). But if that's the case then pick another song that they can actually sing and learn in a few days. That was just horrible. And if you're going to lip sync... then hire me to put the Idols through The Matt Eickhoff School of Lip Syncing. Crimeny! They couldn't even lip sync the damn song. Allison (as if I needed more reasons to be irritated by her) was blatantly using the "watermelon, watermelon, watermelon" method of lip syncing when the camera did a CLOSE UP on her. Dang. I'm still hot about this. I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that the judges always use the judgement and reasoning that this "is a singing competition". Well if its a singing competition... then FRICKIN' SING DAMMIT!

*ok... I'll get off my soapbox now....*

After that rant, what can soothe my wounded heart? Well Carrie Underwood of course. Let's be real... is there anything that this girl touches that doesn't turn to gold? She is just awesome. I guess if I had one complaint it would be the giant spider she had chillin in her golden locks. What was that hairpiece? Seriously? It was like a recycled piece from the "Just A Dream" video... and she wore it with a dress she got off the clearance rack at Charlotte Russe. Other than the apparel tonight, Carrie was just amazing. Her voice is so pure and PITCH PERFECT, it is almost scary. Carrie really is what American Idol is all about. I've been listening to a lot of Carrie lately (both of her CD's) and if you haven't heard the album cuts (non-radio-singles) you really should give them an ear. Every song she touches showcases her so well. Was I crazy about this "I Told You So" song? Not really.... but anytime I get to hear Carrie live is always well-recieved.

Brad Paisley: I like you singing funny songs. You were a victim of DVR fast-forwarding.

OK, so on to the elimination. Can I just say... BINGO! I was SPOT ON again! :-) I know I didn't pick one... I said it was close between Alexis and Michael... but I consider it a win when both of them were in the final two. I honestly thought of picking Alexis as the one to go, but I didn't want the wrath of Charlotte Tetsworth on me (she's a big fan and one of my dear friends). It was not surprising really.
And Alexis should have known she wouldn't last long. Let's look historically into Idol's past:

Vanessa Olivarez- Season 2

Amy Adams- Season 3

Gina Glocksen- Season 6

Idol Finalists with pink streaks in thier hair never make it very far in this competition. I know she added the pink to her hair to "dirty herself up" after what the judges told her at her audition.... but maybe she should have stayed away from the curse.
(Allison... you could be next!)

I do have to say that it was pretty mean of Ryan to let Michael think he was safe, and then make him part of the bottom three. What an emotional rollercoaster that must be. We are 8 seasons in and I know that these antics are now a part of the show.... but even I think that trick was pretty mean.

I was SOOOO happy to see Allison in the bottom three! Although it wasn't in my prediction, it makes me think that America might actually agree with me that she's not all that special. And what I said in regards to Tuesday's show that she wasn't annoying me very much??? I take it back after this results show. She still annoys me.

So.... we've got a top 10 for the tour! Three girls and SEVEN guys! Wow. This is definitely a guys year. Lil is good, but she doesn't really excite me anymore. Allison... well you all know how I feel about her. And Megan? Well I love her, but there is no way she's making it Top 5 without some miracle.

Next week is Mowtown. Lil & Anoop are thanking their lucky stars!!! I am sure they will do well. Matt will excel again too with his bluesy, R&B sound. I can't wait!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Grand Ole Opry Week: Top 11 Performances

So.... It's Grand Ole Opry Week.... and even though I took the time to suggest songs using the list I found on votefortheworst.com, it was obvious that it wasn't the only songs the contestants had to choose from. Oh well... I still think the songs I picked would have been better than some of them they did choose.

This week is always an important one because it determines which 10 contestants get to go on the American Idol Tour this summer. As a 6 year tour veteran, I look forward to going each year (although after last summer's debacle, I wasn't sure if I would ever want to go again....) Several of this season's contestants excite me though, and I really think I would like to go to the tour this year. There are a few people I really don't care for, so if it were up to me, they would go home this week so I wouldn't have to sit through them at the concert. Well let's get to the performances!

1. Michael Sarver- "Ain't Goin' Down Til The Sun Comes Up"
For you Idol veterans, you may remember that Josh Gracin sang this song during Season Two. He really took that song and owned it. Michael on the other hand... well... I tend to agree with the judges. It wasn't that great. He was doing pretty well until the key change and he lost it in the last 2/3rds of the song for me. Plus... I still have a hard time watching him sing. He just looks goofy to me. AND.... where did this southern accent come from in his speaking voice? I really thought in weeks past that he was trying hard NOT to be country, and all of a sudden now he's struttin' the streets of Nashville in his cowboy boots. Not diggin' it

2. Allison Iraheta- "Blame It On Your Heart"
I really like the original version of this song by Patty Loveless. And as most of you know, I really DON'T like Allison. I do have to say that this could have been a whole lot worse. It still wasn't great for me. This song is all about the chorus that starts high and goes down low.... and she had a hard time with those low notes. They were really sharp. She did look cute tonight though... the stylist did a great job. And.... I have to say that her annoying personality was less annoying this week. So maybe she's gained a couple points... but I'm definitely not calling to vote for her anytime soon.

3. Kris Allen- "To Make You Feel My Love"
No guitar on a song like this? At first I thought it was a mistake.... but his vocals were actually very spot on, and it may have been a good chance for him to showcase his vocal only without having the safety net. Let's be real for one second though: that song isn't too hard to sing. There isn't a lot of range to it. He did add the high note at the end, and hit it well.... I agree with Paula when she said it was a smart choice for him. And when you sing the lyric "I can offer you a warm embrace"... you know the 14 year old girls are gonna call for him. With this performance, he'll make it to the Top 10 for sure.

4. Lil "Little" (LOL @ Simon) Rounds- "Independence Day"
First of all... way to flunk the interivew portion of the evening... "we spend a few time together" and then talk about how you're together all the time? Lil isn't the smartest cookie in the bunch is she? OK... on to the performance. This is a BIG song... and one that Carrie Underwood owned when she sang it season four. Do I think Lil owned it? No. She did well... yes. But it was kinda odd for me. Not sure that there are many country songs out there would have been a good fit (except for the songs I picked for her in my previous post, "Why Haven't I Heard From You?" for example). I am glad she stood her ground about her song choice when the judges challenged her though. She could have picked "I Will Always Love You" or "How Do I Live" but that would have been a cop out if you ask me.

5. Adam Lambert- "Ring of Fire"
Ummm.... OK. We're gonna have to come back to this. I can't digest what I just saw at the moment.

6. Scott MacIntyre- "Wild Angels"
I agree with Randy Travis... that when I heard he was singing this song, I immediately cringed. I wanted Scott to prove me wrong.... but unfortunately he didn't. I think this song choice was super awkward. He missed several of the notes. And when it went uptempo it all went downhill. He could have picked several other songs that I think could have showcased him better. I agree with Kara... he needs to "up his game".

7. Alexis Grace- "Jolene"
I have always loved this song. It's been redone by many people in many different styles. Alexis defintiely did an adequate job with this song. She didn't make it a superstar performance... but it was pretty good. I liked the rolled-back, demure performance of the song. There were several pitch problems throughout. Simon is right when he said that people will forget about the performance. I think she'll still make it through though. And thankfully she'll be back to "dirty it up".

8. Danny Gokey- "Jesus, Take The Wheel"
I had a feeling that with his gospel background that Danny would sign a religious song. I really don't think was the best choice for him. Especially considering that this is a Carrie song, and so many Idol viewers will so closely relate this song to her. People are used to hearing this song from a female voice. The first half of the song was.... well... pretty horrible. Many off key notes, and just didn't fit him as a singer at all. When he was able to start belting, the performance got better, but I still didn't like it. This is the first time that I thought to myself that Danny might not be the front-runner that everyone thinks he is. I think Paula was (not-surprisingly) drunk when she said this was brilliant. Carrie Underwood would not go out and buy that. She's probably sick of that song anyway, as many times as she's had to sing it.

9. Anoop Desai- "You're Always On My Mind"
You cannot deny that Anoop has a smooth, pure voice. This song choice was a great for him. Of course we like "My Perrogative" Anoop.... but this gentler Anoop is also good. He really could do well singing ballads on pop/adult-contemporary radio. He's talented. I agree with Randy that the arrangement of the song was really good. Anoop needed this. He was starting to worry me, but Anoop Dogg is back!

10. Megan Joy Corkery- "Walkin' After Midnight"
YAY! She actually picked the song I suggested for her in my previous post!!! That makes me feel like the post was actually worth writing. :-) She looked AMAZING.... not sure about the dress, but the hair and makeup were great. So the performance: SO WEIRD to me. Parts of it were SO good and parts of it were SO bad! But, she's just so stinkin' cute and unique that I can't hate it. Last week she had some well placed "caws" and this week she had some well placed "coughs". I think the coughing will help her cause, with America having some pity on her. For me, when it comes to making it to the Top 10 and the tour, I hope that she makes it.

11. Matt Giraud- "So Small"
Another Carrie song by a guy? Will it be awkward like Danny's version? NO. Matt made this song his own! He also took a suggestion of mine from my previous post that he should sing just him and the piano. He did that through the first half of the song, and I think it really showcased what Matt is all about: quality piano and quality vocals. I agree with Simon that he outsang Danny this week. Matt really did well, and I'm so happy for him!

OK... back to Adam. Thanks for letting me take that break to figure out what was going on in my head. Sheesh. OK, so its country week and the only country I got out of that was the country of India... lol. BUT... what was to be expected of him? Really? You knew he was going to do something out of the ordinary. There was no way he was going to put on a 10 gallon hat and imitate some Alan Jackson. I can sum up this performance in one word: "memorable". Whether you remember it for being mind-blowingly awesome... or remember it for hating every second of it... people will remember this. Now, I understand why some people would not like it.... but personally, it rocked my socks off. He keeps this competition interesting, and he makes me want to vote for him so that I can hear what he comes up with next week. The performance definitely had a theatrical vibe to it... its definitely not something you're gonna hear on the radio. Honestly though, it reminded me of a pop star on tour who mixes up their own songs and rearranges them for a "scene" in a concert. If he's able to pull things like this off now, who knows where he'll be once he has a real music career and is on tour doing his own stuff. Thank you Adam. :-)

My ranking for the night:
1. Matt Giraud
2. Adam Lambert
3. Anoop Desai
4. Kris Allen
5. Megan Jo Corkery
6. Danny Gokey
7. Lil Rounds
8. Alexis Grace
9. Allison Iraheta
10. Scott MacIntyre
11. Michael Sarver

OK... so I feel extra pressure to correctly predict who will go home, because last week i was spot on with Jasmine & Jorge. This week's pick could get me on a good streak!

Who do I think SHOULD be in the bottom three?
Michael, Alexis & Scott

Who do I think WILL be in the bottom three?
Michael, Megan & Alexis

I really am having a struggle with this folks. I think its going to be either Michael or Alexis, but I can't choose just one. I will pick one before the results show airs tomorrow.... but I definitely need some more time to think about this one. :-) Maybe if I sleep on it and watch both performances back tomorrow.

What are your thoughts? Please comment!

Top 11 Preview: Grand Ole Opry Week

So tonight is country night for the 11 Idols left in the competition. Country seems to happen every season now... which I don't necessarily have a problem with, but it just seems very "niche-y" for some people who may not fit the genre. I just hope that some of the questionable contestants find a way to make the song their own.

Not only is it country week, but specifically "Grand Ole Opry" week, which means that the contestants can ony sing songs by performers who are "members" of the Opry. Although it does narrow down the list of possibilities, there are many options left, including Idol's own alum Carrie Underwood.

I found on another Idol blog, they posted the song list for this week. These are the songs the Idol's had to choose from (supposedly....). I'm going to make some recommendations, and I'd love to hear yours too!

Alan Jackson - Don't Rock the Jukebox
Alan Jackson - Summertime Blues
Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee
Alison Krauss - When You Say Nothing Ar All
Alison Krauss - Baby Now That I've Found You
Barbara Mandrell - If Loving You Is Wrong I Don't Want to Be Right
Brad Paisley - Celebrity
Brad Paisley - Mud on the Tires
Brad Paisley - When I Get Where I'm Going
Carrie Underwood - Jesus Take the Wheel
Carrie Underwood - Before He Cheats
Carrie Underwood - Wasted
Carrie Underwood - So Small
Carrie Underwood - All-American Girl
Carrie Underwood - Last Name
Diamond Rio - Beautiful Mess
Dierks Bentley - What Was Thinkin
Dierks Bentley - Come A Little Closer
Dierks Bentley - Every Mile a Memory
Dierks Bentley - Feel That Fire
Dolly Parton - Jolene
Dolly Patron - I Will Always Love You
Dolly Parton - Here You Come Again
Dolly Parton - 9 to 5
Dolly Parton - Why'd You Come In Here Lookin' Like That
Garth Brooks - Friends in Low Places
Garth Brooks - The Dance
Garth Brooks - Shameless
Garth Brooks - More Than a Memory
George Jones - She Thinks I Still Care
George Jones - He Stopped Loving Her Today
Hank Williams - I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues
Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire
Johnny Cash - I Walk the Line
Josh Turner - Your Man
Josh Turner - Would You Go With Me
Josh Turner - Firecracker
Lorrie Morgan - Watch Me
Martina McBride - Wild Angels
Martina McBride - A Broken Wing
Martina McBride - Anyway
Pam Tillis - Cleopatra, Queen of Denial
Pam Tillis - Maybe It Was Memphis
Patsy Cline - Walkin' After Midnight
Patsy Cline - I Fall to Pieces
Patsy Cline - Crazy
Patty Loveless - Blame On Your Heart
Randy Travis - Forever And Ever Amen
Reba McEntire - Fancy
Reba McEntire - Why Haven't I Heard From You
Ronnie Milsap - It Was Almost Like a Song
Tammy Wynette - Stand By Your Man
Terri Clark - Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Trace Adkins - Honky Tonk Badonkadonk
Trace Adkins - You're Gonna Miss This
Travis Tritt - I'm Gonna Be Somebody
Travis Tritt - T-R-O-U-B-L-E
Travis Tritt - Tell Me I was Dreaming
Travis Tritt - It's a Great Day To Be Alive
Trisha Yearwood - She's In Love With The Boy
Trisha Yearwood - Walkaway Joe
Trisha Yearwood - How Do I Live
Vince Gill - I Still Believe In You

My suggestions:

Lil Rounds: "Why Haven't I Heard From You" by Reba or "Last Name"/"Before He Cheats" by Carrie
I think Lil did well with the uptempo Michael number last week, and I think she would do herself a favor by singing an uptempo song with attitude this week. Let's be real about Reba and Carrie... they can ROCK IT OUT when needed, and these songs would allow Lil to do the same.

Alison Iraheta: "Maybe It Was Memphis" by Pam Tillis
This was one of the songs that as soon as I saw it on the list, I immediately thought of Alison. Although I really don't care for her, I could see this song being a good fit. She could "rock it up" a bit and show off her raspy, rockish voice with this song.

Scott MacIntyre: "It's A Great Day To Be Alive" by Travis Tritt
In Scott fashion, I think he'll choose an inspriational, feel-good-about-life song... and this is the best fit for that. I think it could really go well with piano accompaniment as well. Too bad there wasn't a Phil Vassar song on the list... because that would be a GREAT fit for Scott.

Megan Joy Corkery: Any of the Patsy Cline songs, preferably "Walkin' After Midnight"
I really think this could be a week to shine for Megan. After her memorable caw-caw last week, I can't help but like her a bit... and I actually really think she has a unique tone to her voice. That tone will definitely lend itself well to a Patsy Cline song. Her voice is vulnerable, just like Patsy's. After the upbeat Rockin' Robin that Simon hated, I think she would do herself a service by picking a slower tempo song and show off her range.

Kris Allen: "Firecracker" by Josh Turner
So we know Kris has the cutesy, acoustic vibe going for him, and I think he could do well with this song while playing the guitar. He has to know that his voting cohort is mostly young girls who think he's cute (as my mom has pointed out to me on several occasions) so I think singing Firecracker would appeal to those girls who will feel Kris is singing the song right to them. But I have a warning for Kris: Josh Turner has MAD vocal range and hits very low and very high notes... he better be ready to take on that range if he chooses Josh Turner.

Alexis Grace: "Stand By Your Man" by Tammy Wynette
When thinking about this song... and thinking of Alexis... I just think this could be a really good fit. Alexis is another contestant that I really think could have a standout performance tonight. She has a vocal tone that will lend itself well to country, and she kinda has a back-woods, down-home thing about her.

Michael Sarver: "Celebrity" by Brad Paisley, "What Was I Thinkin'" by Dierks Bentley, or "Don't Rock The Jukebox" by Alan Jackson
Michael definitely had a country-ish feel to him as well... and I'm not sure why he hasn't tapped into that yet. If he marketed himself as a country singer, I think he could do well in that market. I already see Randy saying "This is the type of music you should be singing all the time dawg!". I think after last week's slow song, he could do well and appeal to country music listeners by doing an uptempo song like the ones I've suggested.

Anoop Desai: (no suggestions)
Uh-oh Anoop... You really needed a week where you could make up for last week's "Beat It" and unfortuantely country music won't be your week, in my opinion. You needed a Mowtown week or something. Anoop could pull out a surprising performance here... but I have a feeling he will struggle. The only song from this list that remotely fits would be "I Still Believe In You" because I think he could put some soul in that slow song... but then he suffers from the same thing that happened when he sang "Angel of Mine". I'm stumped with Anoop. All I know is: God help us all if he tries to sing a Johnny Cash song...

Adam Lambert: "When You Say Nothing At All" by Allison Krauss
Although I think it would be hilarious to see him sing Dolly's "9 to 5", I think Adam will go for a song that will allow him to show off his range, instead of a song where he can blast out a performance like he did last week. I honestly feel like Adam could OWN this song. He could add his riffs and vocal inflection and really make a huge impression. He could also pick a different song off this list and bomb. We'll see....

Danny Gokey: "When I Get Where I'm Going" by Brad Paisley
What will the chosen one do this week? Well... after his attempt and dancing to an upbeat number this week, I think he'll go for a slower tune this week. I think "When I Get Where I'm Going" would tie him to his gospel roots, and it would also bring out the emotion of his wife without being too obvious about it. It's time for Danny to sing something that plays up his storyline. Country songs are all about telling stories, so I think this week will be it.

Matt Giraud: Either "The Dance" or "Shameless" by Garth Brooks
First of all... is it bad that I am one of Matt's biggest fans with him being from Kalamazoo and all... yet he was the one Idol I couldn't remember when making this list? Yikes... I hope is lack of memorability doesn't effect him. I think that Matt could really "soul-up" one of these Garth songs, especially "The Dance". First of all, it is a GREAT song... and one that probably many of the young viewers of American Idol don't know well, so he could easily "make it his own". I think taking "The Dance", stripping it down to vocals and piano ONLY (no background accompaniment) Matt could really make an impact.

Your thoughts? Please feel free to click below and comment! After tonight's performances I will also do a review of the show! :-)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Top 13: Results

Dang I'm good.... LOL....

I had three of the bottom four predicted correctly and I was spot on with the two contestants that were eliminated. I guess I shouldn't be putting feathers in my cap yet, because it was pretty predictable if you ask me. Jasmine and Jorge just left a lot to be desired, and didn't really make a memorable impact. Not enough to have people call in and vote at least. All in all... not to sad about their departures. Neither of them were going to win the whole she-bang. In fact... I think there really are only 4 who have a remote chance at winning. More on that later.

The twist??? Well... goes to show that its nothing a little Internet research can't figure out. Ryan's announcement what almost verbatim to my post from yesterday. Like I said then, I don't really have a problem with this rule. It actually seems like a good addition to the show. My only question is that Ryan said it can only be used from now until the Top 5.... so even if this rule would have been in place during Season 5, it wouldn't have helped Chris Daughtry because he was eliminated in the Top 5. As it gets closer to the end though, I agree that it needs to be America's decision and not the judges' decision.

Performances: Kanye.... meh. Whatevs. Sure he has hits (and I've downloaded them on my iPod...) but I still just think he's so flippin' cocky. I don't like his "swagger" as Kara would say. Speaking of Kara, wasn't it weird that the judges were removed from the table during Kanye's performance? Was this Kanye's request? Did the judges not want to be out there? I'm confused.

Kelly... AWESOME! I love her and I love the new single. I just bought the new CD but I haven't got a chance to listen to it. I'll keep you posted about it once I get a good listen. I was talking with Rich about this last night... but I honestly think that the producers of American Idol should be thanking their lucky stars that they found Kelly Clarkson and that she won Season One. This show really could have been a big flop, but the fact that Kelly won and has gone on to be a legitimate recording artist proves the show works. If I was Simon Cowell, I would be kissing the ground Kelly walks on whenever she's around. :-)

OK... so back to what I was saying about people that actually have a chance to win. Here's how I think it breaks down:

Actually has a chance to win: Danny, Adam, Lil, Matt
Could make it far, but won't be #1: Alexis, Anoop
Absolutely no way: Michael, Alison, Megan, Scott, Kris

What are your thoughts???

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Twist: Judges Veto Power?

So I've been doing a bit of reading online, and this morning on Ryan Seacrest's morning show here in L.A. he had one of the Idol producers on, and there was talk about the twist to be revealed tonight.

The producer says that the change was made to solve a "problem that has been occuring ever since season one". He also said that they tried this new rule out on a foreign version of Idol and it worked, so now they are bringing it to American Idol.

Some research shows that on the French version of Idol, they started a rule that the judges have "veto power". One time (and one time only) during the season, if the judges unanimously agree, they can veto America's voting and keep an eliminated contestant on the show. This would solve shocking boots from year's past like Tamyra Gray, Jennifer Hudson and Chris Daughtry. Supposedly if they keep the contestant around, then the next week the group would start with the same number of contestants, and then the next week would be a double elimination.

I do have to say after reading this that I am MUCH happier with this option than the "sing for survival" option that everyone was speculating across the Internet. It gives the judges some power, but not too much power.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Top 13: Michael Jackson Week Performances

Here we are folks... the Top 13 show! And with two going home tomorrow, there is a lot at stake. Lets get to it:

Lil Rounds- "The Way You Make Me Feel": OK... so I was a little thrown off at first with the frilly shoulder strap. What was that? So her performance... I was a tad underwhelmed actually. She did sing it well... but I wasn't "blown out the box". I thought she could have made an impact with a Michael Jackson week... and this was just good. Really good, yes. But not amazing. I agree with Simon that it was a "lazy" song choice. And he didn't like her outfit... man... its crazy how much I agree with Simon. I think she could benefit from "5 minutes with Simon".... and NOT how Ryan interpreted it.

Scott MacIntyre- "Keep The Faith": Interesting song choice... (has anyone heard that song before?) But it worked for him... especially being behind the piano. He really thrives behind the piano, just as Kara had eluded to in previous weeks. Its hard to believe that he JUST learned that this week. Not only the piano... but the words. I mean... he can only learn those words by hearing them, not reading the music. This time I disagreed with Simon... I think the song did fit him really well. Overall... although I don't think he's the best singer, and I'm not a big fan... I think he did pretty well.

Danny Gokey- "P.Y.T.": OK... if I can raise a child that will grow up and be a pop superstar, I'm going to have my kids singing their chores and thier homework. As Rich said "he just sang the sh*t out of that song"! He really did rock that song out. Great vocals... great riffs... good vocal inflection. It was nice to see that he could really own an up-tempo song. The dancing was a little awkward (again... agreeing with Simon), but it was natural. Bonus points to the fashion director who matched the glasses to the shirt. :-)

Michael Sarver- "You Are Not Alone": Wow... that was MUCH better than I expected! I really liked his interpretation of that song. He kept it close to the original, yet made it his own in many ways. He's got a good manly look about him, and he'll definitely appeal to the country music listeners out there. My only thing about Michael: I like to listen to him, but not look at him sing. He has an uber-cheese factor about him with his movements and facial expressions. It's like he's trying to hard with the manurisms. The vocals though: SPOT ON.

Jasmine Murray- "I'll Be There": First of all, can I say I love her cute family. :-) She really is cute and likeable (maybe a bit boring though, ala Syesha Mercado?). She definitely has a full, smooth tone to her voice, and I think she did really well with the song. I was worried when they said it was I'll Be There that she would copy the Mariah Carey version... but she actually kinda made it her own. I really thought going into tonight's show that she would be one of the most vulnerable contestants for the boot (the Wild Card selection shows that she wasn't necessarily a fan favorite to begin with), but with that performance she did just about all she could do to make a spot for herself in the Top 11.

Kris Allen- "Remember The Time": We know that he can sing Michael from doing Man In The Mirror in the semi's.... This is one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs of all time, and he did a really decent job with this song. Minus those two lines towards the end where he cracked and got a little pitchy, I was super impressed. The first 2/3 of the song REALLY impressed me. I actually said to Rich that he could be one to really shake up the competition. I think I underestimated him at the beginning. Judges comments: I agreed with all four. Simon: I agree he may have wanted to keep the wife in his backpocket... lol. Randy: I agree it was Jason Mraz'ish. Kara: I agree that he is a great guy. Paula: I agree that he is "sexy-cute". :-)

Alison Iraheta- "Give In To Me": This was really the first performance of the night that I didn't love. The song choice was odd. I felt like she sang the whole song at the same level... which was oversinging it. Yes, she is good for being 16... and she does rock well... but I just wasn't crazy about it. She kinda bugs me. I usually appreciate quirkiness, but she's a weird quirky that I just find a tad annoying. Overall: Meh.

Anoop Desai- "Beat It": First of all... GOOD LOOK for him. I liked the new haircut, and the style. I think he came out looking like a pop star. The song choice? Hmmm.... not sure about it. It's a hard song to sing... and probably one of the most quintessential Michael songs (which is really tough to make your own, thus the Karaoke comments...). With that said... he did sing it well... and he sang it well enough to make it into the Top 11... but it wasn't one of the best songs of the night. He's lucky he has the personality and the likeability to make it to the next round.

Jorge Nunez- "Never Can Say Goodbye": OK... lets be real... Jorge is never going to win this thing. He's just not. Is he a bad singer? no... but he's just not Idol quality. I never thought I'd say this, because I think its an odd comment with they judges say it... but it was very "cruise-shippy" for me. No one would pay 99 cents to download that from iTunes. The question now is: will Jorge survive without an emotional performance ending in tears?

Megan Joy Corkrey- "Rockin' Robin": Probably the weirdest song choice EVER on Idol... but it strangely worked for her! I think this was her best performance I have heard so far. She actually hit the notes, and still put her spin on it. I disagree with Randy that it didn't show the real Megan. I think this did just that! SHE is the quirky that I like.... not Alison. I wonder if anyone in America agrees with me.... The "caw! caw!" at the end was priceless!!!!! SO funny!

Adam Lambert- "Black or White": In the great words of Randy Jackson "If you got it, you got it, and YOU GOT IT". I agree with Paula that when Adam is on the stage, you look at nothing but Adam. You are transfixed on him. And let's be real: No one in the top 13 can sing a riff like Adam. He sings them and hits them in tune. I'm really intrigued to see how Adam does in this show. Could Adam be the first gay American Idol? I haven't seen anyone else in 7 past seasons that could take that title. You go boy....

Matt Giraud- "Human Nature": Thank you Wild Card round for bringing Matt back into this competition. It wasn't a very recognizeable song choice, but it fit him and his vibe at the piano. The falsetto was pretty awesome. I really think we got to see what Matt is good at tonight. And can I just say "YAY KALAMAZOO!". :-)

Alexis Grace- "Dirty Diana": 1-866-IDOLS-36? Yikes! She's screwed if you ask me. I wonder how many calls the Hot, Horny Girls are gonna get tonight? They usually say that the last singer of the night has "the pimp spot", but I don't know how pimp tonights last slot is with that number. Ok... we're talking about Alexis, not the phone number. I agree with Paula that she really oversang it. For her voice tone, not a bad song choice. It was definitely not one of the nights best... in fact I wouldn't even put it in the top half.

OK... so its prediction time. Here's my personal ranking of the contestants tonight:

1. Adam Lambert
2. Danny Gokey
3. Matt Giraud
4. Kris Allen
5. Michael Sarver
6. Lil Rounds
7. Scott MacIntyre
8. Megan Joy Corkery
9. Anoop Desai
10. Jasmine Murray
11. Alexis Grace
12. Alison Iraheta
13. Jorge Nunez

Although that is how I feel.... we know from previous recaps that its not necessarily how America feels. So here's my predictions:

Bottom 4: Jorge, Megan, Jasmine & Alison

Going home: Jorge & Jasmine

Really, this is hard to predict though because of this so-called twist that Ryan spoke of. OK... well my gut instinct (as I'm sure is most people's) is that they will go with America's vote for the bottom group (3 or 4) and then they will have those contestants "sing for survival" and the judges pick who stays or goes. Let me state that if this is the case, I am adamently opposed to this. I think it takes away a huge vital portion of the show. America feels invested because it is OUR choice. When you leave it up the judges, that's not cool to me. I hope, for the sake of the future of this show, that my gut instinct is wrong.

Your thoughts?